Brave the storm.
Historical tidbit: In the Middle Ages, the red splotches on dark green bloodstone were believed by some Christians to be the blood of Christ. Now, onto some crazy shit about bloodstone. As creations of a divine law or primordial order, all crystals are inherently powerful. But, some are just more epic than others. And, bloodstone—a combination of Green Chalcedony and Red Jasper—is one of them. This stone is a major purifier. Dark thoughts? Cleans them up. Feeling hormonal? Keep it around. Can’t get out bed? Can’t hurt. Like the blood that pumps in and out through our electric hearts, bloodstone is a great source of vitality and vigor. If you’re feeling spiritually anemic, meditate with bloodstone near the root chakra. It’s an excellent companion when change is on the horizon. And if one thing is certain, change is always blowing on the horizon. Face it powerfully, courageously, and triumphantly with this earthy stone.